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World Languages


All students planning to attend post-secondary college must complete TWO consecutive courses in the same language.
  • Courses must be taken in sequence
  • 2 levels of same language in same year recommended
  • Not a high school graduation requirement. All students planning to attend post-secondary college must complete TWO consecutive courses in the same language.
  • Teacher recommendation for Honors
  • Completion of 3 units of credit to complete World Language Pathway requirements
  • World Language courses count in the CORE GPA.


Learn the Chinese language in an integrated way that emphasizes listening, speaking, reading, and writing; includes how to ask and respond to basic question, to speak and read with a range of carefully selected topics and to develop an understanding of Chinese cultures. 

Levels: 1, 2, 3 (Honors), 4 (Honors)


Learn the French language in an integrated way which emphasizes listening, speaking, reading, and writing; including how to ask and respond to basic questions, how to speak and read with a range of carefully selected topics, and how to develop an understanding of French-speaking cultures.

Levels: 1, 2, 3 (Honors), 4 (Honors)


Presents the Spanish language in an integrated way and emphasizes listening, speaking, reading, and writing; includes how to ask and respond to basic question, to speak and read with a range of carefully selected topics and to develop an understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures.

Levels: 1, 2, 3 (Honors), 4 (Honors)