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School Governance Council

Article II
Section A: Composition
The school governing council will be composed of a minimum of seven members, with the parent, teacher, and administrators elected or appointed by their peers , and the other members selected by the existing  board.  The composition of the board shall be as follows
3 Parents
2 Teachers
1 Local business representatives
1 Community leader
2 Principals or Administration officials
Total: 9
Elected parent representative may be employees of the school district as long as they are not employed at this school.
Section B: Term of Office
School governing council members shall be elected for two years terms with the exception of the community leader who will serve a one year term. (one or two) Half, or the nearest approximation thereof, of each representative group shall be elected during odd years, and the remaining number elected during even years. At the first regular meeting of the school governing council, each member’s current term of office shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
Section C: Voting Rights
Each member is entitled to one vote and may cast that vote on any matter submitted to a vote of the school governing council. Absentee ballots shall not be permitted.  The Chairperson shall only vote in the event of a tie.
Section D: Termination of Membership
The school governing council may, by an affirmative vote of majority vote of all its members, suspend or expel a member for the following reasons:
  • Member resigns
  • Member is removed by majority vote of the School governing Council
  • Member no longer has a child enrolled at the school.
Any elected member may terminate his or her membership by submitting a written letter of resignation to the school governing council chairperson.
Section E: Transfer of Membership
Membership on the school site council may not be assigned or transferred.
Section F: Vacancy
Any vacancy on the school site council occurring during the term of a duty elected member shall be filled by an election with thirty days of the expired term.
Article III
Section A: Officers
The officers of the school governing council shall be chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary and the school governing council may deem desirable.
The Chairperson shall:
  • Preside at all meetings of the school governing council
  • Sign all letter, reports and other communications of the school governing council
  • Perform all duties incidental to the office of the chairperson
  • Have other duties as are prescribed by the school governing council
  • Prepare agenda for all school governing council meetings in conjunction with the school principal
The vice-chairperson shall:
  • Represent the chairperson in all duties
  • Substitute the chairperson in his or her absence.
  • May be appointed to preside over special committees
  • Submit monthly updates on the special committees
  • Perform other duties as assigned by chairperson.
 The Secretary shall:
  • Keep and take minutes off all regular and special meetings of the school governing council.
  • Transmit true and correct copies of the minutes of such meetings to members of the school governing council and to the following person: Superintendent of the schools.
  • Provide all notices in accordance with these bylaws
  • Be custodian of the records of the school site council
  • Keep a register of the names, address, email and telephone numbers of each member of the school governing council, the chairpersons of school advisory committees, and others with whom he school site council has regular dealings, as furnished by those persons.
  • Perform other such duties as are assigned by the chairperson or the school governing site council
  • Keep accurate and updated copies of the school site council by laws.
The System Leadership Team representative shall:
  • Attend all monthly meetings held by the System Leadership Team.
  • Report to the School Governing council the news from the meetings
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the Chairperson.
Section B: Election and Terms of Officers
The officers shall be elected annually, at the August meeting of the school governing Council and Shall serve for one year, or until each successor has been elected.
Section C: Removal of Officers
Officers may be removed from office by majority vote of all members
Section D: Vacancy
A vacancy in any office shall be filled within thirty days by a special election of the school governing council, for the remaining portion of the term of office.
Article IV
Section A: Subcommittees
The school governing council may establish and abolish subcommittees of its own membership to perform duties as shall be prescribed by the governing council. At least one member representing teachers and one member representing parents shall make up the subcommittee. No subcommittee may exercise the authority of the school governing council.
Section B: Other Standing and Special Committees
The school governing council may establish and abolish standing or special committees with such composition and to perform such duties as shall be prescribed by the school governing council. No such committee may exercise the authority of the school governing council.
Section C: Membership
Unless otherwise determined by the school governing council, the schools governing council chairperson shall appoint members of standing or special committees. Membership on special committees may be open to nominations from the floor at the direction of the school governing council. A vacancy on a committee shall be filled by the appointment made by the chairperson.
Section D: Terms of Office
The school governing council shall determine the terms of office for members of a committee.
Section E: Rules
Each committee may adopt rules adopted by the school site council, or policies of the district governing board.
Section F: Quorum
A majority of the members of the committee shall constitute a quorum, unless otherwise determined by the school governing council. The act of a majority of the numbers present shall be the act of the committee, provided a quorum is in attendance.
Article V
Meetings of the School Governing Council
Section A: Meetings
The school governing council shall meet regularly on 4th Monday of each month. Special meetings of the school governing council may be called by the chairperson or by a majority vote of the school governing council.
Section B: Place of Meetings
The school governing council meetings will be held in the Gainesville High schools Principal’s Conference Room. Alternate meeting places may be determined by the chairperson or by majority vote of the school governing council.
Section C: Notice of Meetings
Written public notice shall be given of all meetings at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Changes in the established date, time or location shall be given special notice. All meetings shall be publicized in the following venues: front office, third floor office and main building doors.
All actions deemed by the School Board to be under the purview of the Governing Council, including but not limited to fund raising requests, must be submitted first to the Principal. After the Principal reviews the application he or she shall make a recommendation to the Governing Council for approval or denial. If a group is denied the Principal will notify the applicant that they have 10 days to appeal the decision to the Governing Council at the next regularly scheduled meeting. At the appeal hearing the Principal will present cause for the denial and the applicant will have opportunity to be heard.
Section D: Quorum
The act of a majority of the members present shall be the act of the school governing council, provided a quorum is in attendance, and no decision may otherwise be attributed to the school governing council. A majority of the members of the school governing council shall constitute a quorum.
Section E: Conduct of a Meeting
Meeting of the school site council shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order or an adaptation thereof approved by the school governing council. The Gainesville High School will adhere to the district- wide agenda template to conduct efficient and organized meetings.
Section F: Meetings Open to the Public
All meetings of the school governing council and of committees established by the school site council shall be open to public. Notice of such meeting shall be provided in accordance with Section C of this article. Public input may occur in the citizen comments section of the agenda. The citizen comments section shall not last more than thirty minutes.
Article VI
An amendment of these bylaws may be made at any regular meetings of the school governing council by a majority vote of the members present. Written notice of the proposed amendment must be submitted to school governing council members at least ten days prior to the meeting at which the amendment is to be considered for adoption.