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School Governance Council

All schools in Gainesville City School System are in the process of electing School Governance Council (SGC) members for the 2024-2025 school year. School Governance Council members serve as community ambassadors and are granted limited authority in the decision-making process including:  

o    Providing input into the school improvement plan, and oversight of its implementation

o    Providing input into innovations that would traditionally require a waiver

o    Providing input into budget priorities that are aligned with school improvement plans, use of charter funds, and school fundraisers

o    Participating in the interviewing process and providing input in hiring of Principal when there is a vacancy

o    Providing input into school operations that are consistent with school improvement and charter goals

 Please complete the survey to express your interest in serving as a School Governance Council member or to nominate a parent or business partner to serve.

Please note that if you have a child who is currently enrolled in fifth grade, your nomination should be for the appropriate middle school (Gainesville Middle School - East Campus or Gainesville Middle School - West Campus). If you have a child who is currently enrolled in eighth grade, your nomination should be for Gainesville High School.

 Parents with children attending multiple schools in the system are only permitted to serve on one School Governance Council. Please select the school you are interested in serving in this capacity.

 School Governance Council members will serve voluntarily and will not receive any compensation for their service as Council members.

Thank you for your continued support of Gainesville City Schools’ students.